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 Jobs to do in the September Garden

September is a great month in the garden. For many gardeners it is the start of the gardening season - so much to do!

Brief summary of garden jobs for September

  • Take cuttings from shrubs - a great time for easy plants. Cuttings at this time of year - in early September - would normally be of the ripe wood cuttings. It is basically the same procedure as semi-ripe cuttings. After taking the cuttings, place them in deep seed trays or 3-4 to a 5in pot and make airtight with clear plastic bag. position either in greenhouse, coldframe or sheltered place in the garden.

  • Bulb Planting should be well underway now in September - for a good display next year. Ideas for bulbs in your garden here. In particular, you need to start thinking about bulbs for forcing into Christmas flower indoors.

  • Harvest and store your Apples & Pears. If you do not have this luxury, then pop off down to the garden centre and get a fruit tree -  late September probably best, and lack of space should not be a constraint, for Apples and Pears are available on dwarfing root stocks - suitable for growing in a large container.

Charm Chrysanthemums are colourful feature during September and October - maybe November as well.

The Lawn in September

  • Repair bad patches on the lawn - September is the ideal month as there will be soil moisture to help establish new seed or turf.

  • Feed the lawn with Autumn Feed - and weed and moss killer if necessary. Its all part of a good autumn lawn maintenance plan.

  • Lay a new lawn - turf or seed.

  • Top dress your Lawn

  • Get your winter hanging baskets and planters sorted - It will cheer you up! In particular, plant up a few containers of evergreen shrubs that have good winter foliage.

  • Sow some spring greens.

  • Chose some good pods from your runner beans - for next year's seeds.

  • Get your winter pansies, wallflowers and other spring bedding planted - now! garden, window box, container, hanging baskets. All are suitable recipients for these useful plants.

September is the month in the garden when you need to be thinking about next spring. Bedding and bulbs

  • Dead-head your perennials - cut back all dead growth. The exception being those plants which look attractive with seedheads throughout the winter. Eryngium being a typical example.

  • Dahlias and Chrysanthemums will still need disbudding. However, be on the alert for those early frosts that sometimes happen. A light frost will blacken off the foliage of Dahlias, but is unlikely to damage the root tubers. Dahlias should be dug up as soon as the first frost hits. Overwintering of your Dahlias is discussed here.

  • Chrysanthemums - You need to start thinking about how to overwinter these plants - especially if you want to increase them from cuttings early next year.

  • Prune climber and rambler roses which only have one flush of flowers.

  • Pruning -  Do not be tempted to hack your shrubs about in the pretense of pruning this month! Any pruning will invariably force new tender shoots to sprout - and they will succumb to the first frost! Have a look at our pruning calendar for September

  • A good month for moving conifers and evergreens - if not too established.

  • Plant up some new strawberry beds - yum yum!

September In the Greenhouse

September is the time in the greenhouse when Tomatoes and Cucumber crops tend to start to die off. It is important that once these - and other annual - plants are removed and either consigned to the compost heap if not diseased, or burned if any signs of disease in the past few months.

Together with this, any plants bought in from the garden for overwintering in the greenhouse should be thoroughly checked for pests and diseases. otherwise you will be giving the 'problem' as well as the plant, somewhere comfy to over-winter.

Do not allow the greenhouse to become full of dead plant material over the winter. It would be a good idea towards the end of the month, to empty the greenhouse and wash everything down, and maybe use an insecticidal and fungicidal smoke canister. otherwise spray the entire interior of the greenhouse BUT ensure that your health is not at risk. Wear the appropriate protective clothing, and DO NOT breathe in the fumes.

  • Clean off the greenhouse shading - the light levels will start to drop now.

  • Plan a new shrub bed/border to plant this or next month

Have a look to see what will you will be doing in the October Garden.


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