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Houseplants Indoor Plants Care

Information and Advice about care and growing Plants indoors.

If we wish to grow our house or indoor plants successfully, we have to know a little bit about them. In particular, try to replicate the growing conditions which were their original habitats as much as is possible. Not always easy, for many of the plants that are sold as houseplants - or indoor plants - originate in tropical countries. Sometimes in rain forest environment! Not always possible to provide the optimum growing conditions.

Oleander flowers

Oleander flowers

This may seem a little daunting - and a lot of bother - but it is surprising how adaptable these 'houseplant' plants are. Most can live in the same habitat as humans - but with perhaps a little understanding, care and attention.

Sometimes they will not flourish as they would in their native habitat, but with care and attention, your houseplant could nevertheless, give years of pleasure. Some - as with the Aspidistra could end up being a family heirloom - handed down for a generation or so!

When you see many of these plant in their natural environment - and growing to their proper size, then you are amazed at just how adaptable they are. Certainly more adaptable than us humans!

I was recently astounded to find this Scindapsus - Devil's Ivy - (image) happily dripping from a tree to a length of 20 metres in a Northern Thailand forest - not to mention the humble Rubber plant - Ficus elastica - growing as a magnificent 30 metre specimen. It's ok, this will not happen in your living room.

Choosing the right plant

The main criteria for success with indoor plants, is simply not to grow your particular plant in conditions which are alien to it! A bit difficult sometimes - especially when the house plant has been given as a present, and needs to be seen to be doing well!

There are so many indoor plants available these days that it is possible to find one for virtually any situation, or house, or any style of decor.

Houseplants can be very beneficial and healthy to our lives. They purify and renew our stale indoor air by filtering out toxins, pollutants and the carbon dioxide we exhale - replacing them with life sustaining oxygen!

Research by NASA showed that some house plants are more efficient in filtering out toxins than others. Philodendrons and Spider plants were found to be the most efficient in the removal of formaldehyde. Gerbera Daisies and Chrysanthemums were found to be effective in the removal of benzene, a known carcinogen.

Generally, allow one houseplant per 100 square feet of living area. The more vigorous the plant, the more air it can filter. Plants will do little - if anything -to filter tobacco smoke in the air.

So, learn how to choose and then care for your indoor plant, and you could end up not only please with the result, but healthier as well! Owning -and caring - for houseplants certainly has therapeutic effects not too far removed from the same results of caring for a pet! Stress busters even.

Indoor Plants Care

Houseplant Care

Echinopsis Obrepanda

Echinopsis Obrepanda

Houseplants often come our way as presents - sometimes unwanted. But, if you have them, then you need to look after them properly - even if it is just to show the person who gave it you, that you are caring for it properly!

Our general advice - and the special links below - should set you on the right path to having happy houseplants.

Houseplant Pests


Red Spider Mite Colony

A plant grown indoors is in an alien situation. So, there is the possibility your houseplant will be attacked by alien insects. Help is at hand.

When you grow houseplants indoors, then there is the possibility - or even probability - that they will be attacked by insect pests from time to time. Often the insects are very small, so you only find them if you are actually looking for them.

All too often, the damage that pests do to houseplants is the first sign for you that something is wrong. Invariably it will be one of the common house plant pests or maybe one of the diseases.

A-K of Houseplant Names

Angel Wings

Angel Wings

Indoor plants - houseplants - listed alphabetically, in A-Z format, with botanical names and common names of most popular indoor house plants.

The information about house plants is based upon practical experience of growing and selling indoor plants - both in the nursery - and at various homes!

L-Z Houseplants

Lady's Slipper Orchid

Lady's Slipper Orchid

Indoor plants - houseplants - listed alphabetically, in A-Z format, with botanical names and common names of most popular indoor house plants.

The information about house plants is based upon practical experience of growing and selling indoor plants - both in the nursery - and at various homes!

A-Z of Houseplant Common Names

Blushing Bromeliads

Blushing Bromeliads

As with more or less all plants, houseplants are blessed with a number of different names. It all depend which part of the world - or even which part of your country you live. It may even depend upon which generation you belong to!

The botanical names of houseplants are always (?) correct, but of course they are mostly Latin, and not easy to remember. Neither are they particularly descriptive - unless you can speak Latin!

Common Indoor Plants


Pink Prince

Pink Prince

A group of robust climbers and evergreen shrubs originating from the rainforests of Central and South America. Some of the climbers are relatively slow-growing but may eventually reach ceiling height, other Philodendrons may have an expansive spreading growth habit.

Grown for its beautiful foliage, the Lacy tree Philodendron has large, Maple-like leaves with cut-work edges which gives the lacy appearance.

Spider Plant

Chlorophytum Comosum

Chlorophytum Comosum

The spider Plant - is a very well-known plant, easily recognisable by its lush grass-like appearance with mid-green leaves striped with creamy white or gold. Golden arching stems sprout from the main plant and mini plants form at the end of these, perhaps giving rise to its common name of Spider Plant, or Hen and Chicken. These mini plants are easily snipped off and potted on to make new plants.

Originating from South Africa, this plant enjoys strong light, and should be potted in a loose mix incorporating plant food. Warmth and humidity encourage healthy growth. Avoid sudden drops in temperature.

Chrysanthemum Indoors

indoor plant Chrysanthemums


The Chrysanthemum has dark green leaves topped with abundant daisy like flowers. Chrysanthemums come in a variety of strong colours with a long flowering period which make than well suited for growing indoors - houseplants. Generally, Chrysantheums grown as houseplants, are around 30cm high, with single or double flowers.

As Chrysanthemums are usually bought ready potted there is no need to worry about potting mix, but any compost will do as plant is generally not kept from year to year.




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