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Plants for A Dry - Sunny - Garden 

There are conflicting reports as to how 'global warming' - if it happens - will affect the UK - in particular the gardens, suffering from dry conditions. Recent reports have been  telling of the rise in temperature, that will bring us dry near-Mediterranean garden conditions, with flower beds and borders in our gardens resembling those of the dry gardens of the world.

But there is also a school of thought that says that the gulf stream will move south, and not bless our western coastline with its warm waters. If this happens, we will lose a few degrees pretty quick. Whichever, there will be a dramatic change in how we plant and look after our gardens.

Being an optimist, I will go for the former, and assume a warmer and dry climate for us and our plants. I'm sure that we can adapt - but what about the plants that we grow in our gardens!

Some of the plants below are suited to dry gardens

Mass of flowers on Phuopsis for a dry garden Phlomis fruiticosa well suited to dry conditions

Deep red flowers of Helianthemum Ben Ledi - the rock rose Helianthemum The Bride - cream white flowers

 The curry plant with flowers - good for dry gardens  Phormium Pink Sunrise showing pink striped foliage - leaves

 Shrubs for Dry Sunny Garden Aspect

Aucuba japonica variegata - also good in shady spot!
Ceanothus ‘Bluemound’ A great variety of covering a dry bank or growing against a fence.
Cistus - All of the Cistus are suited to dry sunny spots
Eucalyptus gunni If cut back hard every year, forms a stunning foliage and stem feature
Hypericum ‘Hidcote’
Osteospermum. All of the Osteos are good in dry and sunny positions anywhere in the garden.
Thymus . Well suited to dry sunny places, cracks in walls etc.
Cytisus varieties - All‘Killiney Red’
Elaeagnus ebingei, and any of the variegated types.
Euonymus fortuneii vars. especially the E f. Emerald Gaiety
Fuschia - All of the fuchsias love sun and dry conditions.’
Genista ‘Lydia’ Is a favourite for this situation
Hebe - The smaller leaved varieties are better than the larger leaved types - just!
Lavandula - Lavender types love the sun and dry conditions
Phormium tenax varieties - A huge range.
Rosemary has to be one of the best
Santolina chamaecyparissus - Just perfect for dry garden situations
Senecio ‘Sunshine’ - Now also known as Brachyglottis Sunshine
Spiraea - All of the Spiraeas love the sun - and also damp conditions!

Trees - for dry  open sunny conditions

Sorbus - All types
Robinia Frisia
Betula - the Silver Birches

Herbaceous Perennials for Dry Garden Areas

Achillea -All types
Achemilla - Great if you cut it back hard after flowering.
Aquilegia. Just love the dry sunny aspect.
Bergenia cordifolia
Carnations various
Delphinium - All
Dianthus are same family as carnations and are well suited to these conditions.
Euphorbia characias wulfenii, and all of the garden spurges.
Geums. Keep dead heading the flowers
Helenium - for great late summer flower colour.
Hemerocallis - Also amazing in a wet garden
Iris - all including the Iris sibirica which is so often seen at the water's edge.
Lilium of all kinds.
Papaver - A natural habitat for the poppies.
Potentilla - herbaceous as well as the shrub types are well suited
Pulsatilla varieties - are great for early colour, but foliage normally dies down mid summer.
Salvia officinalis. ‘Icterinia’  Also the other foliage Sages (Salvias) together with the choice perennial types.
Sidalcea will be very happy - and quite early. Cut back the dead flowers for a repeat performance.
Sisyrinchium are just made for these conditions.
Verbascum chaixii ‘Alba’, together with the other silver foliage types.

Many dry areas to be clothed in colours soon we hope!


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