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How to grow Jasmine Vines Indoors.  Jasminum polyanthum 

Most of the indoor jasmine grown today, originated in tropical Asia and parts of China. The Jasmine sold for indoor houseplants, are tropical or subtropical vines - grown for their fragrance. Grow Jasmine indoors specially for their heady fragrance at night.

Caring for Jasmine Plants - Jasmine Vines

All of the 'Indoor Jasmines'  need bright light with at least four hours of direct sun per day. Whilst many of the vine type plants, are from woodland settings and are happy with a degree of shade, The Indoor Jasmine Vines, will only be successful if given sunlight in the main growing period. This helps to ripen the flowering growths, ready for flowering through winter when grown as a houseplant.

Indoor Jasmin flowersIn spring and summer water the Jasmine regularly and fertilize every two weeks with a high phosphorus fertilizer to encourage good flower development (Tomato Feed is perfect for this - as is Phostrogen).

Indoor Jasmines are best grown outside - in direct sun - for the summer. They can be pruned hard, and re-potted in the spring, after flowering indoors. 

Jasminum polyanthum, the winter-blooming jasmine (sometimes called the pink jasmine) is one of the easiest to grow - especially if you follow the steps above. A vigorous climber, it usually blooms in mid-winter - the pink buds opening to masses of white fragrant flowers.

 It requires cool growing conditions and and can grow in temperatures between 40 and 50 degrees from September until the plant sets its buds. During this cool autumn and winter period, only water the plant when the soil has dried out.

After flowering indoors, re-pot, prune back and place it outside in a sunny spot - this will ensure a good healthy plant with plenty of flowering wood for the next winter.

Jasmine vines are particularly fragrant when grown indoors. The same is true when grown outdoors, but when indoors the scent is 'trapped'!

Propagation of Indoor Jasmine

The easiest way to grow new Jasmine plants, is to layer them when they are taken outside for the summer,

As the new shoots start to grow after pruning back, simply bend one or two of the shoots over and peg them down into the garden soil, or into a pot of compost standing nearby. Cover the shoot with soli or compost where it is pegged down.

The shoots will develop roots within a month or so, and once growing well, can be separated from the parent plant, simply by cutting it off. The new Jasmine vine will grow quite strongly, but should be cut back to encourage a bushy habit, with lots of stems which will bear those fragrant flowers that make the Jasmine such a popular indoor plant. Don't be too disappointed if it does not flower in the first winter. The earlier you start the layer the better. 



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