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How to Germinate Parsley Seeds. Growing Parsley from Seed. 

Flat leaved Parsley is much easier to germinate than the standard curly leaf Parsley. Both seem to give gardeners a lot of problems with either slow germination, or no parsley plants at all!

The first thing to realise, is that Parsley is naturally slow to germinate and can often take a few weeks. More important, is that if your soil dries out during this time, then your parsley seeds probably will not germinate at all - one of the biggest causes of failure with both types of Parsley.

The best way to germinate parsley seed, is by sowing the seeds in a small pot - 3in - 7cm pot will be fine. Scatter around a dozen seeds onto the surface of the soil - water gently until the seeds are well anchored into the soil, then cover with vermiculite, and again, water this in.

Sow Parsley in a pot.

A few sprigs of Curly ParsleyTry to keep temperature of around 70deg F and never allow to get too hot!

The seeds should germinate in a week or so - be patient, and then the whole pot-full planted out as a clump. Parsley plants just HATE to have their roots disturbed. The clump will soon establish itself, and be ready for picking after a month or so.

Next time you see parsley plants in a garden centre or nursery, you will see that this is the method that they use. Copy the professionals! 

Sowing Parsley Outside.

 If you are sowing your Parsley in summer, make your shallow drill for the seeds, water the drill until just moist - not soaked!

Sow your seeds in the moist drill, and then cover with dry soil. This will act as a mulch, and the soil below will dry out much slower!

Parsley can also be sown in seed boxes, but not too hot if in a greenhouse. Just remember that there will be a bit of transplanting loss and shock. It is essential not to break the small taproot. Transplant them when they are still small to avoid root damage - This is the key to success once germinated.

his ensures a better establishment than if you try to transplant larger seedlings. The same is true if you buy ready germinated parsley seedlings from a garden centre. Don't automatically pick out the pot with the larger plants - go for the pot with smaller - but healthy looking plants!. You can also use soil block. (They are still available)

Remember! Flat or broad leaved - or French Parsley - is much easier to grow, and tastes as good if not better.

Pests of Parsley.

Parsley can suffer from a few insect pests - notably aphids, caterpillars and thrips. All can be treated with your favourite insect spray. The aphids can be washed off with a soapy water spray. Just bear in mind that you will simply be washing them off!!! You may need to do this several times a week.

yellowing of the leaves is often as a result of lack of water, but more likely to be a need of food! A dilute liquid feed each week keeps them green and succulent - yet crispy!

Parsley General information


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