Bulbs Listing 'a to d'

Listing of garden bulbs with the letters A through to D inclusive, together with relevant pages of information about the various individual bulbs.

The list includes all of the Tubers, Rhizomes, Corms and other fleshy rooted perennials that act in the same manner as real bulbs.

Other information about growing bulbs can be found in the top navigation area.

This section covers bulbs such as the ever popular Agapanthus, Alliums, Anemones, Begonias Cannas, Crocus, Hardy Cyclamen and the versatile Dahlia groups. 




  • Camassia - The Indian Hyacinth or Quamash
  • Canna - Indian Shot plant because the hard seeds were once used in muskets instead of lead pellets.
  • Cardiocrinum - The Giant Lily - very spectacular
  • Chionodoxa - Small growing bulbous plant Glory of the Snow - very early flowering - Mainly blue flowers with pink also
  • Colchicum - Somewhat wrongly named the 'Autumn Crocus' which should be reserved for The 'Meadow Saffron' - a very different plant -  Naked Ladies, being the preferred name.
  • Corydalis - Tuberous perennials with varied colours
  • Crocosmia - Previously known as Montbretia. A colourful show for the later months of summer and early autumn.
  • Crocus - Spring flowering goblet shaped flowers - for growing almost anywhere.
  • Cyclamen - The hardy Cyclamen are generally either C. coum or C. hederifolia.



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